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Our News and Topics that Matter

Karri Ann Frerichs
Oct 29, 20221 min read
See for yourself Circular Fashion LA's 2022 Impact
A lot of companies, including those in the fashion industry, like to use words to make them seem favorable in the public eye. They may...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Oct 21, 20221 min read
Our Next Big Steps at Circular Fashion LA/ Our LACI Pilot Project
Recently we announced our next big steps at the LACI Power Day. We will be using grant funds from our LACI pilot project to expand our...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Oct 4, 20222 min read
The Truth Behind the Environmental Harm Caused by Textiles
The fashion industry is known to have many different ways in which it produces waste, but what we may not know is just how damaging this...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Sep 30, 20222 min read
An L.A. Top for the L.A. Girl
Hot weather and hot styles come to mind when I picture L.A. and the people you'll run into there. While working with Circular Fashion...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Sep 20, 20221 min read
Catch Our next Big Steps at LACI's Fall Power Day!
Join us virtually to learn about and celebrate our clean energy and circular economy systems in California. You can learn a lot at the...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Sep 3, 20221 min read
The Fashion Industry and Water- A Thirsty Cycle
How many times do you buy clothes and realize what impact you are making? Many people seem to look over the issue of the fashion...

Karri Ann Frerichs
May 27, 20222 min read
We've Been Accepted to LACI Incubation Program Cohort 4!
LACI kicked-off the fourth cohort of its Incubation program by welcoming eight promising cleantech startups to its growing portfolio. In...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Mar 15, 20221 min read
How we Help Reduce Carbon Emissions!
Curtesy of Sundried Want to know what makes our clothing so unique? Our apparel, such as graphic t-shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets help...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Feb 17, 20221 min read
We are Now Circular Fashion LA, SPC- A Cal Social Purpose Corporation
We are very proud to announce that Circular Fashion LA has now officially become a CA Social Purpose Corporation. WE are now Circular...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Feb 8, 20221 min read
Benefits of Adding Cloth Napkins to your Dining Experience this Valentines Day!
Have you ever noticed how many napkins we use a day? While you eat, while cleaning up a mess? A significant amount is wasted each day,...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Jan 27, 20221 min read
CEO joins RLA Panel "Building Support for the Circular Economy" on Behalf of Circular Economy Club
Join us on February 7th to see our very own, founder and CEO, Karri Ann Frerichs, speak on behalf of Circular Economy Club and CFLA at...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Nov 23, 20211 min read
80% of Clothes Are Rarely Worn, How Can We Fix That?
According The Muse, only 20% of clothing in your closet is worn. The rest of it sits away collecting dust in your closet. Why is that?...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Nov 9, 20211 min read
Circular Cities Los Angeles Event Recap - Circular Textiles Pilot Projects in Los Angeles
Thanks again to all who joined and participated in our 2nd Circular Cities Week - Los Angeles (as apart of the's...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Oct 12, 20212 min read
A Surprising Majority of Donated Clothing Still Ends Up in Landfill. What You Can Do About it.
How many times have you donated your old clothes with the intention that someone else would put it to use? What if we told you that...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Sep 8, 20211 min read
What's the carbon impact of your favorite brands? Chances are - not very good.
I was recently forwarded an article by Fast Company that reported how the top 47 fashion brands did not rank very well when it comes to...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Aug 5, 20211 min read
A Bold Statement in our Post-Consumer Graphic Tees
It was a late night sewing masks in the early days of the pandemic, when, while watching "Plastic Wars" on PBS, I just became furious. I...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Jul 31, 20213 min read
From Forests to Fabrics: The fashion industry's global impact on Ancient and Endangered Forests
The stats are scary: there's about a 44% chance that if you are wearing Rayon, Viscose, Lyocell or Modal, your clothing came from the...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Jul 18, 20211 min read
How Circularity Can Solve Fashion's Systemic Problems
In 2017, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation published a comprehensive report titled, "A New Textiles Economy - Redesigning Fashion's Future."...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Apr 6, 20211 min read
The Purpose Behind Our Clothing ReDesign Service
To become more-conscious consumers, we're told over and over again to consume less, take care of the products we own, and "be creative"...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Apr 4, 20211 min read
Circular Cities Week 2020 Global Report published, including Los Angeles panel discussion
I'm proud to have hosted a stellar panel discussion last October during International Circular Cities Week 2020, including speakers from:...
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