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Our News and Topics that Matter

Karri Ann Frerichs
Sep 25, 20201 min read
We've been accepted to LACI's (Los Angeles CleanTech Incubator) Founder's Business Accelerator!
This Fall 2020, we are very proud to announce that Founder, Karri Ann Frerichs, will join Cohort 3 of LACI's Founder's Business...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Aug 26, 20201 min read
We're an Ellen MacArthur Foundation's "From Linear to Circular" Programme Participant
Our founder, Karri Ann Frerichs, was accepted into the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's "From Linear to Circular Programme" Atlanta cohort...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Apr 13, 20201 min read
Deadstock and Vintage Fabrics vs. New Materials
What are deadstock fabrics? These are fabrics that are left over from previous projects or production-runs and are otherwise unused and...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Mar 18, 20202 min read
Toilet Paper facts that might make you say, "Holy $#!+"
During this uncertain time of the Coronavirus pandemic, while the world is stocking up and staying put, let's consider the environmental...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Feb 5, 20201 min read
The Eye-Popping Facts about Waste Disposal in the United States
Did you know: The highest point in Hamilton County, Ohio (near Cincinnati) is "Mount Rumpke?" It's actually a mountain of trash at the...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Nov 26, 20192 min read
What is the Global Circularity Gap and which countries are leading the circular economy transition?
On October 15, 2019, Circle Economy hosted a webinar targeting world leaders and economists about "Why Countries Matter in Closing the...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Nov 18, 20191 min read
Our first Second Fridays for Circular Fashion event on Textile Recycling: Steps and Challenges
Textile recycling is a huge problem for cities. We discuss the major steps and challenges of textile recycling and what LA can do about it.

Karri Ann Frerichs
Nov 13, 20192 min read
Watch our #ThinkDif discussion on "What a circular fashion economy would look like in Los Angeles"
Watch as we discuss the current state of Los Angeles's fashion industry as well as current policy initiatives underway in the city to...

Karri Ann Frerichs
Oct 16, 20191 min read
Videos and discussions from LA Textile Show Sustainability Panel
I had the pleasure of discussing the opportunities and challenges of operating a sustainable fashion business in Los Angeles with 5 other...
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