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A Bold Statement in our Post-Consumer Graphic Tees

Karri Ann Frerichs

It was a late night sewing masks in the early days of the pandemic, when, while watching "Plastic Wars" on PBS, I just became furious. I thought, how are these Mother F-----ers allowed to get away with this?

Then I thought - the earth is our Mother. EVERYONE'S MOTHER. And this graphic just became seared into my mind. And I vowed that one day I would make a tshirt out of it. Well, I didn't do it alone, my team of fabulous designers helped me turn it into a reality, and here ya go.

Each tee features our original, hand-painted graphic and is made to order for just $28. The t-shirt itself is a high-quality, post-consumer tee that we sourced secondhand. Each one is just a little bit different and none are exactly the same. Because these are post-consumer tees, no new materials were used, there's next to zero carbon output, AND each tee is one less that will reach landfill or be shipped overseas.

So join the movement and tell pollutive, selfish corporations how you really feel! Click the images below to choose your size and purchase.


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