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Karri Ann Frerichs

Circular Economy Club Los Angeles Strategy Session, Aug 18th 2021

As International Circular Cities Week 2021, hosted by the Circular Economy Club, approaches this fall, we'd like to convene all interested businesses, policy makers, students, non-profits and individuals in an introductory zoom meeting to discuss local initiatives and how we can best utilize our Los Angeles CEC chapter to spur circular economy projects and collaborations in the area.

See what CEC Chapters in Milan and Malaysia have accomplished recently to serve as a point of inspiration for what we could do with our CEC Chapter in Los Angeles:

You can watch the video presentations of both CEC Malaysia and Milan Best Practices here. Malaysia is the first presentation and Milan starts at 13:55mins.

You can see the work we've done so far, with Circular Cities Week 2020 held last October. Our panel discussion revealed here in Los Angeles a heavy desire for more access to food composting, excitement for a potential textiles materials exchange (both physical and online), and the desire for more education and outreach by the public sector into our communities. Learn more about Circular Cities Week here and read the 2020 report which includes our Los Angeles outcomes.

The purpose of the August 18th zoom meeting is to learn about local initiatives across various industries and to serve as a brainstorming/strategy session to spur new collaborations in our diverse and vast Los Angeles and SoCal areas. We look forward to seeing you on August 18th to discuss advancing the Circular Economy here in Los Angeles!

- Karri Ann Frerichs

CEC Los Angeles Organizer

CEO of CircularFashionLA


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