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Watch our #ThinkDif discussion on "What a circular fashion economy would look like in Los Angeles"

Karri Ann Frerichs

Watch as we discuss the current state of Los Angeles's fashion industry as well as current policy initiatives underway in the city to achieve zero waste goals and implement textile recycling programs.

You can also watch the conversation directly on as well as browse other conversations hosted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation as apart of it's global online festival.

Panelists include:

  • Moderator - Karri Ann Frerichs of CircularFashionLA whose goal for the call was to bring together a few key Los Angeles policy makers with a couple international circular economy experts to discuss what the City of Los Angeles can do to help it's fashion industry achieve zero waste goals.

  • Andy Shrader, Director of Environmental Affairs, Water Policy & Sustainability for Councilmember Paul Koretz, Council District 5. Councilmember Koretz is a member of the Energy, Climate Change and Environmental Justice Committee.

  • Clay McCarter, City Policy Analyst and author of the 2019 Report of the Chief Legislative Analyst, "State of the Fashion Industry in Los Angeles"

  • Hilde van Duijn, Project Manager of Circle Textiles Programme for Circle Economy, joining us from Amsterdam.

  • Sarah O'Carrol, Government and Cities Network Manager for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and host for the conversation.

Key findings of our discussion include the fact that Los Angeles is still very early on in its work toward textile recycling and implementing zero waste manufacturing strategies within its fashion industry. Los Angeles's fashion industry is strong and growing, but it still faces major challenges in that parts of its manufacturing sector are shrinking, the geographic area is in need of improvements and the wholesale industry faces shrinking buyer attendance. With that said, Los Angeles is positioned to be a global leader in championing zero waste manufacturing and textile recycling because of our climate-leading mayor and the influence of Los Angeles and California overall in the global market.

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